Normal is Overrated

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Can’t sleep? Take a pill. Trouble focusing? Take a pill. Pill popping addiction? Take another pill. Our society has been sucked into the vortex of labeling every possible discomfort or inconvenience we experience as human beings. Any sensation or condition that deviates from normal seems to have a tidy little place in a diagnostic manual. The problem? We have turned our definition of normal completely upside-down, and excluded the very things that are normal from that definition.
What is normal? Weird kid behavior. Kids can be strange little creatures, I know I certainly was unique. I had imaginary friends, I liked to play alone outside, I despised being told what to do, I got angry easily, and if anyone tried to get me to wear corduroy or clothing with itchy seams, I would raise some serious hell. When I was a kid, these types of behaviors were normal, and my parents dealt with them either with understanding or discipline. Somewhere along the road, society has decided to smack labels on behavior that is either inconvenient or unpleasant. If a child has excessive temper tantrums or anger, they are labeled as having an emotional disturbance. If a child has trouble sitting still in class or has trouble concentrating, they are labeled as having ADHD. If a child has difficulty making eye contact or is slow to learn social skills, they are labeled as having Autism. All of these disabilities are certainly legitimate, and there are children who truly need medical, psychological, and educational interventions. When did it become normal for kids to wash down Adderall with Juicy Juice?
I have to admit, I have always been a bit of a hypochondriac. Not in the sense that I was paranoid that I was always ill, but that when I did have some sort of ailment, I always wondered why. I have always been interested in how the mind and body work, and as I began my graduate education and pursued my doctoral research in Autism and ADHD, I have made connections in how so many ailments are related. It all revolves around brain chemistry, hormones, nutrition, and of course, societal expectations and demands. This blog will serve as a forum to venture below the surface of the labels and diagnoses that are so easily slapped to our foreheads, and dig deeper into the definition of what is normal.

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